Retreading and sale of industrial tires


Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VRQP

24.00-35 VRQPCode: 1347

1260 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 QUARRY RECARVED

24.00-35 QUARRY RECARVEDCode: 1757

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 RT4A+

24.00-35 RT4A+Code: 2099

1350 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 RL3+

24.00-35 RL3+Code: 2188

1550 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VSMTP

24.00-35 VSMTPCode: 2191

1000 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VSMTP

24.00-35 VSMTPCode: 2219

1000 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 RT4A+

24.00-35 RT4A+Code: 2243

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 XDTM RETREADED

24.00-35 XDTM RETREADEDCode: 2354

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VSMTP

24.00-35 VSMTPCode: 2411

1200 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VSZTS

24.00-35 VSZTSCode: 2453

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VSMT

24.00-35 VSMTCode: 2493

1200 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 XTRACTION RECARVED

24.00-35 XTRACTION RECARVEDCode: 2516

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 AE45 RECARVED

24.00-35 AE45 RECARVEDCode: 2517

1200 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 EMR04 RECARVED

24.00-35 EMR04 RECARVEDCode: 2518

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 VSMTP

24.00-35 VSMTPCode: 2519

1250 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 XRD

24.00-35 XRDCode: 2521

1300 €

Industrial tire - Size 24.00-35 RT4A+

24.00-35 RT4A+Code: 2547

1200 €